Free Downloads
3D Models
Evaluation Programs,
How-To Information, Technical Papers

Free Plans |

Plans are in AutoCAD's DWF format. Download the free DWF
Viewer to view, pan, zoom, and print the drawings from within your web browser. |
Mini-Flyer is a
simple-to-build hovercraft powered by a leaf blower. You can build this fun and
educational project in less than a day. Plans include 2D CAD drawings and a 3D
model. |
Downhill Racer: A three-wheel
downhill soapbox racer for youngsters
. |
Models |

Hovercraft Lift Calculator:
Calculates airflow, power, platform pressure, fan diameter, number of blades, and more. |
Get Evaluation Copy of Rhinoceros 3D NURBS modeler for Windows. Your free copy of
Rhino works indefinitely to view, pan, rotate, zoom, and render 3D models. Only the
"save" function becomes disabled on expiration. Requires Pentium
processor, 32 MB ram, and 15 MB disk space. Runs under Windows..
Click here for more details. |
3D Models of Our DIY Projects:
View models using the Rhino demo (see above), or import them into other 3-D programs.
Click link to see available models. |
Free background images of your favorite project for your Windows desktop. Clicking on the link takes you to
a download page with thumbnails of available desktop images. Each image is available
in three different resolutions to fit the most common monitor settings. |
Get a copy of WinZip to compress files so they take up less disk
space, and unpack compressed files downloaded here. For Windows only. |
Click the image to install
DWF Viewer plug-in. The Viewer lets you view, pan, zoom, and print DWF CAD drawings from within your web browser.
After installing the
Viewer and loading a drawing, right-click anywhere on the
drawing to display the navigation menu.
Information |
Papers |
the Road to Personal Mobility in the 21st Century
is a NEW comprehensive presentation on design options for future personal mobility.
Different Roads: Symposium presentation about Transportation Challenges
of the 21st Century: Presented January 20, 1999, at a MoMA
symposium on the future of the automobile near the close of the Different Roads exhibit.
Automobile Design: Year 2010 and Beyond reviews
likely directions in future car design.
Three Wheel Cars: The Factors That Determine Handling and
Rollover Characteristics
Automobile Ride, Handling, and Suspension Design provides
an overview of suspension systems and the factors that determine ride and handling.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: The Benefits, Challenges,
and Technologies reviews EV technologies and design practices.
Transportation's Impact on Energy and the Environment looks at the world's energy and environmental problems, and possible solutions.
The Role of Appearance Models and Mockups: A Case Study of
the ARRIS Design explains the value of appearance models in product design.
The Wright Brothers' Conquest of the Air: A
tribute to the accomplishment of the Wright Brothers, 100 years after mankind's first
Re-Birth of the Wright 1902 Glider: Building
and flying the Wright 1902 glider, now on permanent display at the California Science
Power of Design: Visionary design alone can
create new products, new appeals, and new markets.
- Electromatic Drive Transmission: Early experiments with the Urba Electric prototype vehicle.