Published by
Society of Automotive Engineers (Oct. 2003)
SAE Stock Number - R227
21st century has arrived, and alternative cars are becoming a
significant presence on showroom floors and highways throughout the
world. Hybrid vehicles were introduced and carmakers are expanding their
offerings. Plug-in hybrids, cars that can run on battery power and
combustion engine power, are poised to enter the marketplace. As
gasoline prices continue their volatility - rising and falling in
response to unstable geographical situations and price manipulations -
consumers recognizing the benefits of decreased dependence on
petroleum-based fuels as a primary source of vehicle power.
In 1994, Robert Q. Riley
accurately forecasted the necessity of alternative automobiles in the first edition of
this important publication, and the Second Edition of Alternative Cars in the
21st Century: A Personal Transportation Paradigm offers considerably more
information. Intelligent transportation systems and hybrid vehicles have
increased emphasis
as their benefits become proven by current vehicle designs. Alternative fuels
are examined in depth, including hydrogen as a fuel and the most recent hot topic, fuel
cell technology. The latest developments touting the benefits and challenges of
three-wheel cars are presented in a thorough and interesting chapter.
The rapidly changing landscape of
alternative car technologies created the need for the second edition of Alternative
Cars in the 21st Century: A New Personal Transportation Paradigm. This essential
publication provides an abundance of critical knowledge for engineering professionals and
consumers alike, offering a brighter alternative future through better alternative cars.
From the "Forward"
"In 1994, Riley's first edition was a breath of fresh air in
a cacophony of information coming through all media. His new second edition is
greatly expanded to address the larger list of interrelated complexities... He collects
and organizes the many products/concepts technologies into a readable publication - a formidable task in a field seething with change. The first chapter takes a broad look at
the big picture, not just in the United States: the challenges and the opportunities that
characterize the present rapidly changing situation. The concepts deserve to to be
explored by all students because the present student will be living in the rather
different future that is being fashioned. This book also should be read by all adults
because our priorities and actions, or inactions, will determine what happens in the next
--Dr Paul B. MacCready |
Dr. Paul MacCready is best known as the 'Father of Human
Powered Flight.' He is also a visionary automobile designer who has been a key force
behind today's push to develop battery-electric and hybrid cars. |